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Gaijin Entertainment interview Gamescom 2017

Gaijin Entertainment je najveći nezavisni razvojni tim u Rusiji, a tokom Gamescom 2017 sajma pružila nam se prilika da popričamo sa izvršnim direktorom kompanije, gospodinom Anton Yudintsev-im.

On nam je ispričao šta ova kompanija sprema u budućnosti za njihove dve najveće igre War Thunder i Crossout. Sledi transkript našeg intervjua.

Gaijin Entertainment intervju

VGA: Za početak, hajde da pričamo o War Thunder – recite nam šta spremate za ovu igru?

Anton Yudintsev: Na Gamescom-u predstavljamo novi apdejt, 1.71, koji donosi novu eru u War Thunder, našu simulaciju ratnih vozila. Novi apdejt je fokusiran na moderna vozila – na moderne tenkove i avione. Ovo će War Thunder-u doneti gameplay okrenut ka brzoj akciji, pogotovo jer smo predstavili novu vrstu oklopa koji znači da će vozila moći da budu i brza i okretna, ali istovremeno i da prežive nekoliko pogodaka.

VGA: Ali zar se ne brinete da će ovaj apdejt drastično promeniti gameplay?

AY: Ne bojimo se toga, smatramo da će to doneti zanimljive novine u gameplay za top ranking vozila. Na primer, do sada je najlakši način za povećanje otpornosti vozila bio da se poveća debljina oklopa, što je pre značilo da će se povećati njegova težina i onda su se vozila sporije kretala.

Sada uvodimo reactive i composite oklop koji će povećati otpornost vozila, a i dalje će činiti tenkove brzim i okretnim za dinamičnu akciju. Treba navesti da reactive oklop takođe funkcioniše tako što može preživeti jedan pogodak na jednom mestu, nakon čega se oklop na tom mestu uništava. Ako posedujete dovoljno umeće, moćićete da nanišanitete baš to mesto i nanesete štetu, jer ovaj oklop povećava otpornost, ali ne donosi neuništivost.

Dakle, zbog toga verujem da ono donosi interesantno izvođenje, kao i da zadržava svoju dinamičnosti.

Gaijin Entertainment intervju

VGA: Kako igrači reaguju na trenutni izgled igre?

AY: Nedavno smo predstavili Word War mod za najbolje igrače, a pre nekoliko meseci smo dodali i novu naciju u igru, italijanske snage – sve ovo je pozitivno dočekano od strane igrača. Verujem da u zavisnosti od interesovanja igrača oni mogu da nađu dosta toga zanimljivog u igri.

Trenutno je reakcija veoma pozitivna i naši igrači su zadovoljni. Naravno, znamo da uvek postoji mesta za poboljšanje, a znamo i da postoje oni koji nas kritikuju, ali mi sve to slušamo i pokušavamo da unapredimo igru.

Mornarički segment igre, na primer, testirali smo tokom osam meseci i za to vreme smo menjali i doterivali gameplay na osnovu reakcija publike.

VGA: Kada očekujete da će ovaj apdejt stići u igru?

AY: Hm, očekujemo da će to biti tokom jeseni, možda početkom jeseni. Mi to ne znamo još i obično preferiramo da ne određujemo tačan datum dok nismo 100% sigurni. Trudimo se da održimo brz tempo razvoja, ali sve ovo trenutno još nije spremno da bude objavljeno i čim bude, naćiće se na serverima.

Gaijin Entertainment intervju

VGA: Recite nam više o Crossout-u i tome zašto mislite da je ova igra posebna?

AY: Predstavljamo i Crossout [na Gamescom-u 2017], post apokaliptičnu vožnju fokusiranu na borbu, koja je veoma jedinstvena jer ne samo što se ovde borite u kolima već i njih sastavljate od starog gvožđa. Svi delovi mogu da se prikupe kroz igru od drugih igrača ili prilikom igranja. Takođe, uništavate vozila deo po deo, a ono što je zanimljivo je to što ovde ne postoji hit-bar – možete da uništite protivnički top, točak, dva točka itd. Postoji dosta sadržaja u igri i zaista možete da potrošite dosta vremena praveći lude stvari.

Igra je nedavno objavljena za PlayStation 4, Xbox One i PC i možete je isprobati odmah. Dakle igra je trenutno veoma mlada, veoma sveža i veoma inovativna jer trenutno ne postoji sličnih ostvarenja na tržištu.

VGA: Crossout je free-to-play igra, da li ona ima mikrotransakcije zbog toga?

AY: Monetizacija je unikatna u Crossout-u jer mi ne prodajemo ništa – umesto toga uzimamo 10% poreza na transakcijama igrača na slobodnom tržištu koje je implementirano u igru. To je naša strategija monetizacije.

Zbog toga sve cene određuje slobodno tržište, ekonomija, pa i sami igrači. Dakle, možete da uštedite dosta novca a da i dalje imate dobre stvari. Ne postoje premium stvari koje ne mogu da se skupe u igri, možete da dobijete sve samo igrajući i trgujući.

Gaijin Entertainment intervju

VGA:Kakvi su vaši planovi za budućnost?

AY:Igra će doživeti novi veliki apdejt u kojem ćemo dodati novu frakciju, što znači još dosta novog sadržaja, a naročito novih delova vozila koja će sigurno unaprediti kreativnost i broj mogućnosti.

Takođe radimo i na Clan War, klanskom režimu igre, koji će biti objavljen u budućnosti.

VGA: Hvala Vam!

— — — — — — —


Gaijin Entertainment intervju

Gaijin Entertainment is the biggest development team from Russia, and during Gamescom 2017 we had a chance to talk to CEO of the company, mr. Anton Yudintsev.

He told us all about what this developer prepares in future for their two biggest games: War Thunder and Crossout, here is our transcript of interview:

VGA: So let’s first talk about War Thunder, what do you have in store for this game?

Anton Yudintsev: Here at Gamescom we are presenting a new update 1.71, which is bringing new era for War Thunder, our military vehicle simulation game. New update is focused on modern vehicles – on modern tanks and aircrafts.  This will bring new fast paced action gameplay to the War Thunder because with the new types of armor, the vehicles can still be both fast and maneuverable and survive several shots.

VGA: Since you are introducing new vehicles, are you not worried that this update might change gameplay drastically?

AY: We are not afraid of that, we think it will attract some new interesting gameplay for the top ranking vehicles. For example, so far the easiest way to enhance survivability was to just increase the thickness of armor which in turn means increasing the mass, so the vehicles became heavier and basically slower.

Now, with the introduction of reactive and composite armor it is possible to increase survivability and still make tanks fast enough for dynamic action. It is worth noting that reactive armor can only survive one shot in one place, after that there is no reactive armor in that specific spot. So if you are skilled enough you can still aim at that specific spot and do some damage, because this type of armor increase survivability but it is not making it completely invulnerable.

So, I believe that it brings interesting gameplay and at the same time fast paced action gamplay.

Gaijin Entertainment intervju

VGA: How do the players react to the current state of the game?

AY: We have recently introduced World War mode which is for top players, and recently, couple of months ago we introduced a new nation to the game, Italian Forces – all of this was very positively received by players. I believe that depending on what the players are interested in, there is a lot going on in the game.

Currently the feedback is very positive and overall community is happy. Of course, there is always some room for improvement and there are some critics, but we are listening to the feedback and trying to improve the game.

The naval forces for example, were tested for about eight months and we were changing the dynamics and tuning gameplay mechanics based on the community feedback.

VGA: When do you expect this update to go live?

AY: Um, we expect this to be live this autumn, maybe early Autumn. We don’t know and we usually prefer not to say exact date until we are 100% sure. We actually keep fast paced development, but currently it’s not ready for the release and as soon as it is it will be available on servers.

Gaijin Entertainment intervju

VGA: Tell us more about Crossout and what do you think is exciting about this game?

AY: So we are also presenting Crossout [at Gamescom 2017], post apocalyptic vehicular combat game which is very unique because you not only fight with your car, you assemble it from scrap parts. All of the parts can be obtained from the game either from other players or directly by playing the game. You are  destroying other cars part by part, and this is interesting too because there is no specific hit-bar – you can shoot out the gun, one wheels, two wheels etc. There is plenty of content in the game and you can spend a lot of time making crazy stuff .

The game has recently launched for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC and you can try it right away. So, currently the game is still very young, very fresh and very innovative because there aren’t many games of this kind.

VGA: Crossout is free-to-play game, so does it have microtransactions?

Monetization is very unique [in Crossout], because we are not selling anything – instead we take 10% tax from player to player transaction on a free market, and that’s our only monetization strategy.

Because of that all of the prices are established by free market, by free economy, by players themselves. So you can save a lot of money and still have all the good stuff. There are no premium stuff which can not be obtained in the game, you can get everything by playing or trading.

VGA: So what do you plan for future?

AY:  The game will receive a new big update very soon with a new faction added, which means a lot of new content and especially new vehicle parts which enhance your creativity and possibilities of what you can make.

We are also working on Clan Wars, clan based action, in the nearest future.

VGA: Thank you!

Gamescom 2017, avgust 2017.

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